Warmists in Retreat: ‘UK Becomes a Denier Nation…The science on climate change is no longer certain’
Sen. McCain Climate Reversal Shocker: ‘I think it’s an inexact science, and there has been more and more questioning about some of the conclusions that were reached concerning climate change’
Warmists in Retreat: Flashback March 2010: London science museum ‘abandons’ efforts to promote global warming fears: Now ‘acknowledges that there are legitimate doubts’
New 100 Year Hurricane Record? ‘If Category 3 or higher (IH) does not make landfall in U. S. during remainder of season, it will make 5 consecutive seasons without an IH landfall in U. S.’
Hopes dim for energy bill in Senate: Dems backing away from plans to tackle any type of energy bill during upcoming lame duck session, including a renewable electricity standard’
Las Vegas hotel’s new Green windows create ‘death ray’
Have we Advanced? Report: Extreme Weather Extreme Claims: ‘In Little Ice Age, witchcraft was blamed for the devastating climate