As plausible as some UN IPCC claims! Samoan clerics finger homosexuals as cause global warming: ‘Clerics in South Pacific have fingered key cause of climate change – homosexuals’
VIDEO: See how they Run! Dems Running from questions on cap-and-trade — refuses to answer, call my office for answer
Summer Ends In The Arctic At -23.1°C — Greenland ice sheet ends at -26°C
Grist’s David Roberts mocks green hype: ‘You know what the world needs now? Another green conference where a bunch of wonks, execs, & NGO reps agree that we need a carbon price’
Presto! Past global cooling ‘adjusted’ away! Deja Vu ’72?: Dr. Hubert Lamb stated in 1972 that the global temp trend ‘had been slowly dipping for the past 20 years’
She’s Singing! America’s top climate change negotiator: ‘We’re not pushing to have legally binding commitments on China or India or Brazil or anybody else’