Canada’s Eco-Wacko David Suzuki: ‘Years ago, I was driven by testosterone and the urge to get laid and pass on my DNA. Now, I can go for hours and hours without thinking about sex at all’
Climate ‘Bible’ Exposed: New Graduate Served as UN IPCC Lead Author Along with ‘undisguised environmental activists’
Reality denier: After Arctic sea ice extent GROWS by over 7,000 Manhattans in 3 years, alarmist Mark Serreze claims ‘It’s continuing down in a death spiral’
Arctic has ‘unseasonably cold summer’: ‘Mean daily temperatures were below the corresponding daily temperatures over the past half century’
Climate Astrology: ‘Climate change was caused by witches!’ ‘The weather is worse and worse. We must have displeased the Goddess Gaia. It is a punishment for our sins.’
‘Another sign of a dying climate hoax’: ‘Will attendance at UN climate meeting in Cancun drop 82% from a year ago at Copenhagen?’
Climate Fiction Writers: ‘When I asked Oxburgh if [Keith] Briffa [CRU academic] could reproduce his own results, he said in lots of cases he couldn’t’