New paper: Coal-fired power plants cause global cooling?!
The rag formerly known as ‘Nature’ uses the D-word (Denier): Claims an ‘anti-science strain [is] pervading the right wing in the United States’
Brenda Ekwurzel of Union of Concerned Scientists puts ‘mental’ in environmental: ‘Climate Change and Mental Health: Extreme Weather Takes a Toll’ [email protected]
‘A Very Simple Question: Has Huge Human CO2 Increase Caused More Severe Weather? A Simple Answer, Nope’
Claim: Tiny ‘Flying Saucers’ Could Save Earth From Global Warming
9,25 – a factor that could close the global warming debate: ‘It is highly odd that Hansen’s claim of 6 K CO2 sensitivity has been taken seriously anywhere at any time’
Wow. Media retracts Mt. Everest climate claim after challenge to cite source!
Study in journal Science: ‘Today’s carbon-spewing power plants and vehicles won’t raise global temperature to dangerous levels’
Fidel Castro: socialism doesn’t work
Flashback 2000: Actor Chevy Chase Says Socialism Works, Cuba is a prime example!
From April 24, 2000: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, April 24, 2000 CONTACT: Marc Morano Earth Day: Chevy Chase Says Socialism Works, Cuba is a prime example! Chase Says he is an “Intellectual” Tom Arnold calls ABC’s Sam Donaldson a “factory worker” who lacks “Passion” Actress Donna Mill Urges Americans to “use less” All Exclusive […]