‘Global Warming bears all the markings of what traditionally would be recognized as a religion. Complete with sin (the emitting of Co2), scriptures (IPCC assessment reports)’
UN IPCC Russian Scientist: ‘There has never been a consensus that man is to blame for global warming among the experts at the IPCC’
‘The Book the IPCC Plagiarized’: It is ‘unlikely that a good faith, bona fide review of scientific literature took place prior to writing of significant sections of IPCC’s first health chapter’
Reminder: ‘There are only 75 months to saves the planet! Counter: ‘gives superficial parameters, or goals, but don’t actually have any foundation in science’
Claim: Working shorter hours ‘protects climate, job market’ — ‘lower rates of GDP growth, which then reduces energy use’
August Is Hot Month For Climate “Science” Smackdowns: Mann Methodolgy Discredited; IPCC Process Fails Credibility Review
‘African dust outbreaks may both directly and indirectly impact Atlantic hurricane genesis and intensification’