Climatologist: ‘Dump the IPCC Process, It Cannot Be Fixed’: ‘UN IPCC was created to use the scientific community to build a case for regulating CO2 emissions. Period’
Paper: ‘CLIMATE CHANGE LIES ARE EXPOSED’: UN IPCC ‘accused of losing credibility after a damning report into its research practices’
‘NOW CLIMATE CHANGE LOBBY BEGINS TO FEEL THE HEAT’: ‘Gaff made by UN IPCC was a howler of remarkable proportions’
NPR: UN IPCC ‘Needs Change At Top’: ‘It’s hard to see how the UN can both follow the advice of this committee and keep Rajendra Pachauri on board as head’
‘How you know the climate fight is over’: ‘When financial guys start looking for the exits, you know the game is nearing the end, the fat lady is getting ready to sing, and the buses are warming up’
Analysis: The ‘colossal and implosive decline of the once mighty green movement to stop global warming…the movement has gone from one catastrophic failure to the next’