Hillary Clinton blames Co2 for fires: ‘We are changing the climate of the world; we’ve seen that with the Russian forest fires’
Peace Corp cashing in on dying climate con: Department of State providing $1 million to fund Peace Corps volunteer efforts to ‘mitigate the effects of climate change’
NYT’s Revkin on bad weather being caused by Co2: ‘Rare weather events + spotty old records + mix of influences = no statistically valid way to prove cause/effect’
‘The oil that saved your ungrateful life’: Worldwide death rate from floods has fallen by 99.6% since 1930s’ — ‘And why? Because of fossil fuels’
More Nanny-stateism: Prince Charles urges British families to ‘snub the bathtub’; Take shorter showers
Insurance Industry’s Climate Con declared ‘wrong and misleading’ for claim that global warming ‘could significantly increase the risk of hurricanes and storms in the Caribbean’
Brutal Facts: 58.8 Million Deaths Globally, Only 32,000 From Severe Weather – Climate Change Has Been Overblown
Is Global Warming Drowning Islands of The Great Barrier Reef? Another Alarmist Prediction Gone Wrong Says Study