Explanation of ‘paradox of increasing Antarctic sea ice’ called ‘imaginative’ ‘Latest explanation is a brainstormed hypothesis at most, and nothing more’
Scientists Say Global Warming Could Increase Food Production: ‘Plant breeders will probably be able to increase yields considerably in CO2 enriched environments of the future’
Was Russian Heatwave really unusual?: Why Rare Events are a Certainty: ‘The odds of such an event occurring over 1,000 years are 48.7%!’
Climate scare ending ‘a whimper rather than a bang. The public gets bored with it and moves on, leaving the scare promoters or ‘pushers’ to soldier on by themselves’
‘Artificial meat grown in vats may be needed if 9 billion people expected to be alive in 2050 are to be adequately fed without destroying earth’
Oh No! Global Warming Causes Volanoes! ‘Eruptions like the one in Iceland may become more commonplace as effects of climate change exacerbate’
Russian Scholar Warns Of ‘Secret’ U.S. Climate Change Weapon Aimed at ‘Altering Temperatures and Crop Yields’