‘Hot Russian Climate Porn’: Warmist Michael Tobis morphs into Apocalyptic Minister: ‘A-ha! Now here’s weather we can actually call climate’
Oh no! Now languages are threatened by global warming! ‘Linguist on mission to save Inuit ‘fossil language’ disappearing with the ice…language threatened by climate change’
Global Death Toll From Extreme Weather Events Declining: ‘Long term (1900–2008) avg. annual deaths and death rates declined by 93% and 98%, respectively, since cresting in 1920s’
Peer-Reviewed Study in Journal of Geophysical Research: ‘There has been no statistically significant acceleration in sea level rise over the past 100+ years’
Top Climate Scientists Speak out on Satellitegate Scandal: ‘US Govt admits global warming satellite sensors ‘degraded’ – temps may be out by 10-15 degrees’