Six Million Fish Dead from cold in Bolivian Ecological Disaster — ‘Unprecedented: Nothing like this has ever been seen in this magnitude in Bolivia’
Gore Stirs Controversy, this Time In Mexico — Press Barred from Speech — Gov’t refuses to disclose how much he was paid
Free-falling: Belief in man-made global warming ‘down significantly from a year ago’ — among ‘green consumers!’
Report from Czech Republic: Warming is not related to industrial activities of humankind, study shows
Gallup poll in Australia shows declining belief in the man-made gloabl warming — Belief in man-made warming drops to 44%
Climate Con is Ending: UN climate deal retreats as Bonn talks end: ‘I am very concerned as I have seen some countries walking back from progress made in Copenhagen’
Ship find shows present Arctic Sea Ice conditions similar to 1853 — ‘Maybe even a bit colder now than 150 years ago’