Climate Profiteers: General Electric ‘spent more than $9.5 million on federal lobbying from April to June as it ‘stands to make money if cap-and-trade’ passes
EPA to Crack Down on Farm Dust: ‘Would establish most stringent and unparalleled regulation of dust in nation’s history’ — But ‘dust is a naturally occurring event’
Climate Astrology: ‘Meteorological experts blame global warming for this year’s extreme weather, the persistent heat and cold waves are expected to continue’
Hat Trick! Climate Depot Honored for 3rd Time in 2010! ‘Inducted into ‘Townhall of Fame’: Morano ‘took on climate movement & left a trail of discredited left-wing science in his wake’
Rasmussen poll: Only 34% of US likely voters believe that human activity is the main contributor to global warming
Climatologist: ‘Control of the science and content of IPCC Reports was planned from before it was officially formed in 1988’
S. African UN Scientist: ‘Our solidly based research completely undermines the whole climate change theory based on global climate models…Climate change theory is rapidly disintegrating’