Prof. Pielke Jr. Mocks Oppenheimer’s ‘Silly Science’: Immigration paper ‘is guesswork piled on top of ‘what ifs’ built on a foundation of tenuous assumptions’
Physicist mocks Oppenheimer: ‘The descendants of Oppenheimer should sue Oppenheimer and prevent him from using and contaminating the name of their ancestor – and the good name of physics’
Senate GOP moves to block lame-duck push for carbon cap: ‘It’s shocking that the majority would consider circumventing the will of the public to pass cap and trade in a lame-duck session’
Cap-And-Trade On Ice — for now: ‘Democrats have shelved job-killing cap-and-trade legislation’ — Will it come back to life?
Journalists challenged ‘to change the course of science’: ‘We cannot balance opinion of a scientist with a skeptic’