Shock News: RIP Stephen H. Schneider of Stanford University 1945-2010: ‘Died of a heart attack today as a flight he was on was landing in London’
Next Eco-Scare like Old Eco-Scare: UN’s New Biodiversity Panel (IPBES) about governance, not science — Seeks ‘science-policy platform’ to urge ‘specific policy action’
German newspaper claims: Earth Could Become Like Venus, 875°F
Report: Climate Change Skepticism Could Soon Be a Criminal Offence? — Skeptics could face ‘criminal charges in the European Court of Justice’
Warmist Mag. New Scientist ‘shocks warmists and skeptics alike with some hardcore doubt about outcome of Muir-Russell and other Climategate inquiries’
Nobel Prize-Winning Stanford Physicist: Please remain calm: The Earth will heal itself — Climate is ‘beyond our power to control…Earth doesn’t care about gov’ts or their legislation’