The Whole World is Laughing: ‘UN climate talks face up to cash flow fears — Can stalled climate negotiations get any worse?’
UN IPCC Scientist: ‘The Death Spiral for Climate Alarmism Continues…On every front, climate alarmists are losing’
Gores have lots of loot to split: Net worth of ‘more than $100 million’
Danish Meteorological Institute Scientist Issues Another takedown of UN & Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey Stick’
VA AG Ken Cuccinelli v. the activist Union of Concerned Scientists
Analysis: Kerry-Lieberman climate bill predicated on a lie
Warmist’s Photo Gallery: ‘Given humankind’s lackadaisical response to climate change, a museum in Hamburg is presenting fanciful visions of how humans might adapt to disaster’
Warmist Phil Mote Caught — Apologizes for Going Political — Then Gets a Smackdown: Mote accused of ‘using official position to promote’ election results — Mote’s Email: [email protected]