Physicist: 12% of NAS establish their AGW inquisition — ‘Signatories represent just a fringe minority of NAS, so this letter doesn’t directly imply that the whole academy is rotten’
Was Nashville’s flood caused by global warming? Apparently, top UN IPCC scientist Trenberth thinks so
Roy Spencer: feedbacks seem to erase most of warming…That would mean that by 2100, we should expect a slight cooling’
Sen. Graham: ‘It’s not a global warming bill to me…Because global warming as a reason to pass legislation doesn’t exist anymore’
Flashback 2009: Gore Photoshops Hurricanes Into New Book’s Cover: ‘Intentionally doctored to exaggerate the appearance of hurricanes’
Flashback 2008: Gore Used Fictional Video to Illustrate ‘Inconvenient Truth’ — ‘Antarctic ice shelves pics actually a computer-generated image from ‘The Day After Tomorrow’
Flashback 2009: In Gore’s book: ‘Cuba, in Gore’s Photoshopped picture of the earth — Cuba doesn’t exist’
Flashback 2009: U.S.Gov’t Climate Report shamed into removing photoshopped image of flood
Photo-Gate: Climate Con Continues! Letter Signed by 250 Warmist Scientists Accompanied by Faked Polar Bear Photo — Science Journal Uses Photoshopped Image