Actress Ashley Judd on Climate Change: ‘It’s a Really Big Deal’ So I Carpool, Take Direct Flights, ‘All That Kind of Stuff’´
Harrison Ford to Green Critics: ‘I’ll Start Walking Everywhere’ When They Do, ‘I Only Fly One’ of My 7 Planes At a Time
Flashback April 2009: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic Lord Monckton to Testify Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing
Global Warming Showdown on Capitol Hill: Hearing to address climate ‘deniers’ head on — Lord Monckton Set to Square off with Warmists
Update: VA Attorney Gen. issues ‘essentially a subpoena’ to Michael Mann: Mann ‘could be forced to return research money or pay a civil fine’
‘A new way of thinking’: UN IPCC Scientist Now Advocates Separating Climate Science and Public Policy
Study: Benefits of organic food a ‘myth’: ‘Does not have greater nutritional value than conventionally grown food’
Toronto to cut idling limit to 1 minute; slapping motorists with $125 ticket in effort ‘shift people out of cars’