Mann’s Hockey Stick ‘slammed as ‘exaggerated’ by UK’s leading statistician, in a vindication of claims that global warming sceptics have been making for years’
Richard North: Oxburgh Inquiry – not a whitewash: ‘We have serious doubt cast upon the adequacy of the CRU’s work’
Climategate: ‘CRU whiter than – er – whitewash, as world laughs at AGW scam apologists…rest of the world is having a good belly-laugh at British academic ‘standards’
Politcal Left Worried: ‘Kerry-Graham-Lieberman Climate Bill Could Make Matters Worse…certain provisions could prove a step backward for environmental protection’
UK Telegraph Mocks Inquiry: ‘Climategate scientists should be immediately beatified in preparation for full sainthood by 2011′ says latest official enquiry’
Head of UK Royal Statistical Society Professor David Hand: Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey stick’ graph was exaggerated
Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Fred Singer: ‘Sen. Inhofe has repeatedly characterized anthropogenic global warming (AGW) as a ‘hoax’ — and he may soon be vindicated’