Global governance? Leaked Obama administration memo seeks ‘to produce a global regime to combat climate change’
Club of Ecocide Prosecutions: ‘Lawyer behind the idea of ecocide, is on the board of DESERTEC…a charitable initiative of Club of Rome’
‘Sex in the City’ Actress Kim Cattrall Says Cold Weather “Wasn’t Good For The Tush’: ‘Every time we stepped out the door it was freezing cold’
VA Attorney General: ‘We wouldn’t be suing the EPA if EPA did not abandon all semblance of science and law to put out its endangerment finding on CO2’
Paper: ‘EPA choking freedom’: ‘Challenged in court by no fewer than 15 states’ attorneys general, and private plaintiffs, including 500 scientists, who dispute the IPCC’s science’
Study: The Cooling of Greenland over the past 8000 Years: ‘At least 6 periods of warming exceeding that of the 20th century’
Physicist mocks Pachauri’s logic: I’m ‘a f**king nobody, a mediocre railway engineer who managed to be elected the boss of a U.N. climate panel so you may bet…’