‘Population Bomb’ Author Paul Ehrlich interivewed in ‘EarthSky Magazine’ in 2004:
Excerpt of 2004 Paul Ehrlich interivew: “One of the things that few people understand is that the epidemiological environment, that is, our susceptibility as a species to diseases, is running downhill very rapidly as our population gets larger. This is in part because of the things we add to water, which are very dangerous to us. It’s in part because the more people we have, the more likely it is that new diseases will jump into our population from animal populations, particularly in Africa. And, it’s in part due too our rapid transport systems so that sick people can spread diseases rapidly around the world, as for example, SARS indicated. We predicted in the 1960s the AIDS epidemic, and it came along. And we’re going to have more just like it.”
For full Ehrlich 2004 interview go here.
For Full History of Ehrlich’s Scientific Claims, see below:
Relax: Laugh at silly predictions of overpopulation: Climate Depot’s Factsheet on Overpopulation – ‘Is too few people the new ‘population problem?’
Listen Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on ‘lunacy of Paul Ehrlich’: ‘Ehrlich should go down in history as one of the most disgraced scientists that we have ever seen’ – ‘Paul Ehrlich should be disgraced, scientifically, politically culturally — instead he is given awards and he is praised by the Obama administration. It is a perversion of science’ — (Audio here and also see: Ehrlich called ‘Worse than Hitler’)
Paging Paul Ehrlich! Fred Pearce on ‘The overpopulation myth’: ‘Population growth is slowing…The idea that growing human numbers will destroy the planet is nonsense’ – ‘There is no exponential growth. Population growth is slowing…2nd myth is that it is driving force behind our wrecking of planet…We must not follow the lure of Malthus… Malthusian thinking led to huge and unnecessary death toll in Irish potato famine…The truth is that the population bomb is being defused round the world’Physicist mocks Paul Ehrlich as ‘mad’: ‘A kook, a lunatic obsessed with doomsdays, and a parasite on the Academic system…career built on making absolutely preposterous statements’
An Admission finally! ‘The Population Bomb’s’ Paul Ehrlich: ‘I wish I’d taken more math in high school and college. That would have been useful’ — ‘If he were writing ‘The Population Bomb’ now, he’d be more careful about predictions’ October 8, 2009
Paul Ehrlich’s lifetime of hot air: ‘He’s been wrong on every count’ – ‘His prescription to deal with these catastrophes has been, in every case, for the individual to surrender his/her autonomy, and even future, to an all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful central entity that’ll make all the hard, life and death choices for them’
More Ehrlich exposed! His ‘error over 40 years ago was to take a snapshot of current trends and project it forward into future’ – ‘He was trying to project population growth vs. technological change, which in the end he got completely wrong. Now, he and other leftist climate scientists are trying to project a snapshot of recent global average temperature trends into the future. Unfortunately for them, they understand the climate change process about as well as they understand the process of technological advancement’
More Paul Ehrlich Exposed: ‘The man who was always wrong defends global warming…He has never been right about anything’ -‘Ehrlich has been a Malthusian doom-monger his entire career, during which humanity has thrived. You could literally become a millionaire by betting against his every statement…Why would anyone want Ehrlich on their team?’