Gore’s climate groups unite as he sees ‘massive’ opposition: ‘There has been a very large, organized campaign to try to convince people that global warming is not real’
Randy Olson Dissects Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘ANALYSIS: WHY MARC MORANO IS SUCH A GOOD COMMUNICATOR’
More Woes: UN IPCC reviewers pointed out wildfire mistake, ignored by authors
As the global warming movement falters, Al Gore’s dying Climate Project is folded into The Alliance for Climate Protection
‘Substantial decline in Sierra Club’s membership’
Czech President Klaus: Attempting to ‘control climate’ is as ‘irrational, arrogant and pretentious as communist planning that people like me were objects of for so many years’
Sen. Kerry warns talk radio has ‘maligned’ climate science: ‘We need to fight back . . . people need to stop being moved by these talk show hosts’
(Go Kerry, Go Kerry!) Roll Call: Sen. Kerry’s rush to pass climate bill has vulnerable Democrats scratching their heads
Running Scared of Global Warming! Sen. Kerry: You know that climate bill I may have mentioned? I just remembered that it’s not a climate bill