Mag.: ‘The climate change fraud that is now unraveling is unprecedented in its deceit, unmatched in scope, akin to 9 on the Richter scale’
Mag. Ridicules Pachauri: ‘His degree and training is in railroad engineering. You read it right. This man was educated to make railroads from point A to point B’
Reaction to Indian Mag.: ‘The gates are open…Could be the most hard-hitting article in the Indian MSM on AGW fraud ever’
‘We’ve been had!’ Indian Magazine Rips Global Warming: ‘The Hottest Hoax in the World…A pack of lies, it turns out’
‘Geographers discover a group of previously uncharted glaciers in an inhospitable European mountain range’
Should IPCC Reports Contain a Warning Label? ‘Use at your own risk’
UK Scientist Stott: Global Warming: the Collapse of a Grand Narrative: ‘We must not underestimate the magnitude of the collapse. Academically, it is jaw-dropping to observe’
UN IPCC’s Pachauri a Climate Creep?! The Dr. of Climate Deceit Transforms to Dr. of Love?
Physicist: ‘I think it’s fair to say that this book proves that Pachauri is not only a liar but a f**king liar’