The Media Dam Breaks: Shock ABC News Report: ‘Can Climate Forecasts Still Be Trusted? Confidence Melting Away: Doubts Grow in Climate Change Debate’
You Watch, You Decide: Obama Laughed at After Calling Climate Change Evidence Overwhelming?
No Joke! Daughter blames mother’s flatulence for global warming: Worries that ‘gas an individual passes contributes to global warming’
UN and Indian government is distancing itself from Pachauri! ‘Embarrassment over Pachauri is acute in Delhi’s power corridors’
Watch Now: Jonathan Leake Env. Editor of UK Times: Pachauri ‘probably doesn’t’ have credibility to continue
‘They can’t stop lying’: Claim: UN IPCC’s ‘dealt with Glaciergate swiftly’ – Response: That is a ‘lie’
UK Telegraph: ‘Why Pachauri MUST stay as chairman of the IPCC’ – To help destroy what is left of UN IPCC
(UN IPCC to tout report?) NWF Report: Harsh winter, snowfalls, low temps — a sign of disruptive global warming
Sen. Kerry Urges Climate Bill Backers: ‘Get angry about the fact that they’re being killed and our planet is being injured’