Paper: Pachauri ‘fostered fraud’: UN Climate Chief Must Go — Pachauri has ‘fostered fraud in the face of contrary evidence…he should resign or be fired’
UK Times: Climategate scientists ‘hid climate data…University ‘broke the law by refusing to hand over it’s raw data for public scrutiny’
Nature: Carbon cycle feedback is 80% weaker than advertised
Credibility storm brewing on climate change
Obama Likely to Rebrand Climate Bill
BBC: Temperature and CO2 feedback loop ‘weaker than thought’
‘Obama is redefining the mission of NASA … away from space and aeronautics and toward the monitoring of global warming’
The Wall Comes Tumbling Down: Climate Depot’s Morano Statement: ‘We are witnessing the Berlin Wall moment in the global warming regime’
Climate Depot’s Morano Statement: “We are witnessing the Berlin Wall moment in the global warming regime. The statist cabal that has ruled the climate debate since the UN IPCC’s inception in 1988 is now tumbling down before our eyes. The so-called ‘gold-standard’ of scientific review turns out to be counterfeit.” “Global warming is now […]