‘The billion-dollar hoax’: Global Warming rapidly falls from the ‘great moral challenge of our generation’ to ‘the the great con that’s falling to bits’
UK science czar’s shock admission: ‘There is fundamental uncertainty in climate change… impact of global warming has been exaggerated’
‘It’s over. Even The Age Newspaper is crumbling: The ultimate sign that the tide is turning agains the great global warming scare’
Climate researchers accuse feds of ‘deliberate tampering with temperature data’
‘Heading for the exits’: UN IPCC Lead Author Declares a ‘dangerous crossing’ of the line between climate advocacy and science at the IPCC
Wave Bye, Bye! Scandal Deepens: UN IPCC Lead Author Andrew Weaver Turns on Pachauri: Calls for his Resignation – Declares IPCC ‘tainted by political advocacy’