UN Climate Con is Ending! Shock Revelation: UN scientist admits fake data was used in IPCC report ‘purely to put political pressure on world leaders’
UN IPCC”s Pachauri and High Noon
Bye, Bye, Pachauri: UK Times: The ‘gaffe-prone Pachauri should accept it would be wise to walk’ to ‘prevent a disastrous slide in the IPCC’s credibility. The sooner, the better’
UN climate panel blunders again: Pachauri ‘unlikely to survive’
UN IPCC to Be Replaced?! Indian Minister for Environment to create new IPCC!
Report: Michael ‘Mann-Made’ Global Warming? ‘Might have committed a variety of acts that constitute significant and intentional scientific misconduct’
‘Curtains for Pachauri?!’ New climate scandal: UN wrongly linked global warming to natural disasters