Paper: Obama the party crasher: Foreign leaders were avoiding the president in Copenhagen
US Navy Meteorologist: AP Analysis Overlooks Scientific Implications of Climategate
Arctic Sea Ice Decline In Past Far Exceeded Modern Sea Ice Retreat (Multiple Times), Peer-Review Research Discovers
Texas State Climatologist: UN IPCC AR4 was flat out wrong’ – relied on flawed WWF report
Claim: ‘William Connolley has now violated Wikipedia’s Conflict of Interest Policy’
Sen. Boxer condemns JunkScience’s ‘Carbon Criminal’ posters
Global warming on blogs outshines MSM in interest
Climatologist: ‘Obama Led Total Failure of World Leadership in Copenhagen’– ‘Blindly accepted false claim human CO2 is causing climate change’
‘Climate Creationist Michael Mann Ripped to Shreds by WaPo Readers’ — Over 650 comments — 90% of readers trash Mann
Build-A-Climate-Scare: Kids told Christmas may be canceled this year due to Global Warming