NOPENHAGEN: Gore cancels lecture during UN Conference
America’s Moment of Clarity: Poll: 59% say it’s likely scientists ‘falsified research data to support their own beliefs about global warming’ — Only 22% consider the UN ‘a reliable source’
Time Mag.: ‘After Climategate, Global Warming Doubt on Rise’ — ‘Series of troubling indicators that skepticism about global warming is on the rise’
BBC: Climategate will have ‘huge impact’ on Copenhagen summit
Unpublished 1974 CIA report revealed ‘world was about to freeze’ — Report warned of ‘doomsday scenarios’
1974 CIA report on Global Cooling: ‘Embarrassing reading’: ‘All AGW scares are a search-and-replace job from ‘cooling’ to ‘warming’
‘Climategate: Science Is Dying…Science is on the credibility bubble’