For a more recent ClimateGate news round up go here.
Climate Depot Response: “If the governments all signed off on UN IPCC reports, then they must be impeccable science. No politics involved at all.” For reality check, see report on UN scientists turning on UN here.
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano Statement: “Remember, the man-made global warming fear movement was already dead before ClimateGate broke.” (For coroner’s report on death see: here and here.)
Morano: “ClimateGate just ensures that the embalming fluid will now be withheld and the corpse will rot for all to see (and smell.)”
UK Telegraph: ‘Climategate is now huge…goes uber-viral’
Climategate defense mirrors the Dan Rather Memogate Tactic: ‘The data is fake but accurate’
LA Times: ‘Take back Al Gore’s Oscar, 2 Academy members demand in light of Climategate’
BBC: UN body wants probe of climate e-mail row
UN should not investigate itself! ‘ClimateGate Needs An Independent Investigator’
Meteorologist: ‘The theory of global warming is lying on the canvas bloodied and dying’
Listen Now: ClimateGate: CEI’s Horner and Climate Depot’s Morano on Sean Hannity’s Show
Handy Reference Guide: ‘Who’s who on climate fraud…Rogue’s gallery of five major perpetrators’
Copenhagen prostitutes offer free climate summit sex
Paper: Climate science hijacking: Presetting outcomes of warming ‘debate’
Climategate external review chair picked: Selection ‘does not inspire much confidence from skeptics’
Update: It was the $1,200 Per Handshake Gore Event that was Cancelled!
NOPENHAGEN: Gore cancels lecture during UN Conference
BBC: Climategate will have ‘huge impact’ on Copenhagen summit
‘Climategate: Science Is Dying…Science is on the credibility bubble’
GOP turning up heat over e-mail scandal — Accuses warming establishment of ‘Scientific McCarthyism’
Researcher: NASA hiding climate data
New Zealand Scientist: ‘The Copenhagen climate conference must now be cancelled’
Michael Mann Protests: Climategate is a ‘Manufactured Controversy’
‘The entire IPCC position is in tatters…IPCC must strike out all references to Professor Jones work’
Climatologist: Time to Cancel UN IPCC and Withdraw Nobel Prizes For Gore & IPCC
Skepticism, the new political expediency: GOP candidates run from ‘politically toxic’ climate bill
Paper: Universities investigating academic fraud by global-warming theocracy
Climatologist Dr. Patrick Michaels: ClimateGate scientists subverted peer review
On eve of climate summit, another scandal: ‘Denmark rife with CO2 fraud…a comprehensive tax scam’
Video: Czech President: Global Warming is a Politician’s ‘Myth’
‘In the drama of global warming, the fat lady is singing’
Stephanopoulos of ABC News: ClimateGate Complicates Copenhagen for Obama
New Paper on Climategate by Lord Monckton
Climategate expands: Penn State Professor Michael Mann also under investigation
‘The AGW bubble is about to crumble’
Stossel on O’Reilly Factor Tonight to discuss Climategate
The Great and Powerful Climate Oz
Climate skeptics have made their triumphant return in Australia!
A Citizen’s Guide to Global Warming Evidence
Cartoon on ClimateGate and Copenhagen
Obama’s White House still believes ‘climate change is happening’
Climategate fallout? Australia opposition elects new leader, carbon trading laws set to fail
Rising Political Force! Australian opposition leader loses; pummeled by climate change skeptics
UN global warming conference could see ‘the biggest transfer of funds in history’
‘The perpetrators of world’s greatest scientific hoax should go to jail’
Claim: Climate Depot’s Morano is ‘the guy anchoring this whole ‘GLOBAL WARMING IS A HOAX!! campaign’
Flashback: Read Climate Depot’s report on the politics behind the UN IPCC
‘Climategate’ now surges past ‘Al Gore’ in Google search results
EU delegate to UN conference creates a stir; calls global warming ‘a global Marxist mantra’
UK Columnist: ‘Climate change deniers are anti-science and anti-reason — and they terrify me’
‘Global warming leads to too many polar bears’
BBC: Inquiry into stolen climate e-mails
The Economist: “The skeptics should not be silenced’
Russian scientists doubt global warming is man-made — Arctic ‘is already cooling’
ClimateGate’s Phil Jones has collected a staggering $22.6 million in grants
Red Hot: ‘Climategate’ surpasses ‘Global Warming’ on Google — autosuggest still blocked
Media Gets it! UK Times: ‘The great climate change science scandal’