Senate committee hearings to begin on climate bill Oct. 27
Fmr. Clinton Admin. Official Reich: White House EPA regulatory threat is ‘no real threat…can keep the EPA tied up in litigation for years’
Columnist: ‘Global warming consensus cools’: ‘They’re going to have to rely on real data, not failed models and scare stories, and the Big Lie’
‘Ship logs revealed evidence that climate change may not be as rapid as believed — with many charting little or no change in Arctic sea temps’
Sen. Lindsey Graham on Waxman-Markey Climate Bill – August ’09: ‘We will kill this bill’
Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘Go green to save your soul’
Oct 2009: Losing Their Religion: 2009 officially declared year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears
Climate Depot Editorial – Serving as the Media’s Ombudsman It has finally happened. We have reached the “tipping point.” 2009 can now be officially declared the year the media lost their faith in man-made global warming fears. Significant organs of the mainstream media are now officially abandoning one-sided man-made global warming fear promotion and […]
GOP Sen. Graham: ‘I can’t imagine…arguing to the public that climate change is not real and man is not contributing to it’
Ignorant Skeptics?: UN Scientist Prof. Trenberth says only ‘poorly informed’ scientists disagree with UN – Appeals to Authority: ‘The IPCC has spoken’
Climate Depot Editorial Dr. Kevin Trenberth — head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, in Boulder CO and a UN IPCC lead author, claimed dissenting scientists were ignorant of the science behind man-made global warming. Trenberth also declared the debate over and wrote ‘the IPCC has spoken.” “I […]