Psychologists Claim: Most people in denial over global warming — ‘Only way to make people change their behavior is to ‘ramp up the fear factor’
It is Time for Next Eco-Scare Already? Now plastic waste is MORE alarming than that alleged problem that might end human civilization?
Time For Next Eco-Scare Already?: ‘Oxygen depletion in atmosphere has been accelerating since 2003, coinciding with the biofuels boom’
Flashback: ‘Sun Sleeps’: Danish Scientist declares ‘global warming has stopped and a cooling is beginning…enjoy global warming while it lasts’
Climate Fears RIP…for 30 years!? – Global Warming could stop ‘for up to 30 years!’
Science of man-made climate fears continues to collapse
UK Astrophysicist: ‘The notion that CO2 warms world has come to a dead end’
S. African UN Scientist: ‘Climate alarmism is on its deathbed — in tatters’
Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘Climate fears are quickly descending into ash heap of history’
Will Global Warming Alarmism Disappear Like the Hula-Hoop?