Public bored by climate change; ‘resentful, cynical and resigned’
Unearthed video: Global warming activist Stephen Schneider caught on 1978 TV show ‘In Search Of…The Coming Ice Age’
Flashback: Obama’s ‘Climate Astrologer’: Energy Sec. Chu claims he knows ‘what the future will be 100 years from now’
‘Sorcerers’: Kenya’s rainmakers — using trees, pots and herbs — called to combat climate change
Flashback: Kenyan Rainmakers efforts to control climate as plausible as Obama’s G8 Pledge to Limit Earth’s Temps
Aussie Paper’s Candid Admission: ‘There is not, now, much value in arguing about the science of climate change. Even if it’s wrong, enough people now believe it that it may as well be right’
Chinese Scientists Find ”no solid scientific evidence to strictly correlate global temperature rise and CO2 concentrations’
‘Al Gore, James Hansen, George Monbiot…are getting their posteriors kicked in public debate and policy discussions’