Dem. Sen. Lincoln casts doubts on climate bill: ‘I think it’s a heavy lift for the Senate’
U.S. Northeast CO2 Auction Prices May Fall to Lowest Levels on Record!
NYT Flashback: ‘Stalin and his associates have carried with them the strongest and most intelligent elements of the Russian people’
Warmists: ‘Please Support WaPo’s Andrew Freedman!
UN climate change talks ‘in danger’
RIP? U.S. climate bill may be on ice by Copenhagen
Chicago Climate Exchange Seeks D.C. Muscle on Climate Bill
Call for Feds to ‘regulate all carbon trading’
UK Astronomer: ‘At what point do we question the hypothesis of CO2 induced warming?’
Arctic ‘Hockey Stick’ study ridiculed: ‘I don’t know what to do with this rubbish paper. It’s so damn bad that people won’t believe it’