Sad: Climate Fear Promoter Chris Mooney’s ‘essay is full of incorrect information and flawed assertions’
UK councils admit secretly ‘snooping’ in trash bins to see who is recycling properly
Professor: ‘Great Lakes Water Levels Increasing. Global Warming Alarmists Still Claim They Will Fall!’
Meteorologist: ‘We should worry about a new ice age’
Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions
‘Birds, butterflies, mammals and plants extending their ranges closer to the poles as the earth has warmed’
Record cold in Obama’s home state of Illinois
Survey: ‘58% of Americans oppose paying any more in electricity bills to combat climate change — 23% increase since 2007’
At last, the answer to climate change: cuddle more babies: ‘Endocrinological effect on men…more inclined to make agreements’
NY State Workers complain about ‘eco-friendly waterless urinals’ creating ‘a fetid mess’ – ‘stink’ – ‘splash back; – ‘puddles of urine on the floor’ – ‘unpleasant odor’