Cheers! Joe Romm’s ‘memo to enviros, progressives: The ‘deniers’ and ‘dirty energy’ bunch are eating our lunch on the climate bill!’
UN IPCC Lead Author Dissents on man-made warming: ‘We’re not scientifically there yet’
The Salt Lake Tribune – July 16, 2009 Article Excerpt: Tom Tripp, a member of the UN IPCC since 2004, is listed as one of 450 IPCC “lead authors” who reviewed reports from 800 contributing writers whose work in turn, was reviewed by more than 2,500 experts worldwide. (Tripp, a metallurgical engineer, is the Director […]
Did NASA’s Hansen call for trials of climate skeptics for ‘high crimes against humanity’?
Flashback 2008: Hansen will ‘call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature’
Study: Climate Changes May be Slower Than Expected
Oops! UN IPCC Wrong Again: Deserts Getting Greener
‘A lot of Congressmen went home and got beaten up on climate’
Pelosi paying a price for ‘arm-twisting’ on climate bill…Dem Congressman: It was ‘really rammed down our throats’
Solar cycle affecting global climate, federally funded peer-reviewed study finds
Climate Bill Rebellion: Dem Sen. Dorgan: ‘My preference would be that we not take up the Waxman-Markey bill…we start in a different direction’