AccuWeather Features Climate Depot’s Morano ‘explaining why he thinks climate bill is bad for the nation’ — 2 Part Interview
Study shakes foundation of climate theory! Reveals UN models ‘fundamentally wrong’ – Blames ‘Unknown Processes’ — not CO2 for ancient global warming
A new peer-reviewed study may shake the foundation upon which man-made global warming fears are based. The new study discovered “something fundamentally wrong with the way temperature and carbon are linked in climate models.” The study, which was published on July 13, 2009 in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience, found CO2 was not to blame […]
Rain and cool weather wash away millions of tourism dollars in Northeast
Lomborg: ‘Gore and friends create climate of McCarthyism…Anyone who questions green orthodoxy is accused of committing treason’
Scientist: ‘Cooling earth temps may last a couple of decades’
New York Times Features Climate Depot’s Morano in Hansen article
You call this summer? Calgary temps ‘sagging below average since November of 2008 and this July is no exception’
Wash. Post’s Moment of Clarity: ‘Carbon emissions will not be reduced by international bureaucrats sitting in a room and signing a piece of paper’
Pittsburgh: July averaging 4 degrees below normal’ — Set to break 1888 cold temp record
NYC fails to reach 85°F in June – first time since 1916