Buzz Aldrin Bio
April 2009: Gore compared climate skeptics to ‘people who still believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot in Arizona’
Flashback: Another Moonwalker Defies Gore: NASA Astronaut Dr. Buzz Aldrin rejects global warming fears: ‘Climate has been changing for billions of years’
Washington, DC – At a House global warming hearing on Capitol Hill on April 24, 2009, former Vice President Al Gore once again compared skeptics of man-made climate fears to “people who still believe that the moon landing was staged on a movie lot in Arizona.” Gore appears ignorant that his several years old analogy […]
June 2009 saw another drop in the global average temps
Colorado company offers biodegradable banana eco-coffins
May was coldest recorded in many parts of New Zealand — June was not far behind
UK power station protesters guilty: But tell jury they did not believe they were doing anything criminal because they were trying to prevent climate change’
Skeptics guilty of Treason? Is NYT’s Krugman Inciting Violence?
Green Mafia: ‘Cap-and-trade is a system just begging for cheating, bribing, and cooking the books’
‘Claim temps have been ‘rising rapidly’ over past 50 years is based on surface temp record in which there are reported warm biases’