Obama’s ‘Climate Astrologer’: Energy Sec. Chu claims he knows ‘what the future will be 100 years from now’


[ Update: La Cosa Climate: Commerce Sec. Warns: Americans Need ‘To Pay’ Or Face Mother Nature’s Wrath — Pay up or face ‘floods, droughts and rising sea levels’ – July 17, 2009]

Climate Depot Editorial: Sec. Chu — Obama’s ‘Climate Astrologer’

President Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu is at it again. Fresh off his declarations in May claiming computer model predictions as evidence of a certain climate catastrophe, (see: Climate Depot Exclusive: Sec. Chu’s assertions ‘quite simply being proven wrong by the latest climate data’ – April 19, 2009), he has now gotten more bold, confidently predicting a certain climate catastrophe by the year 2109. (When he and everyone who hears his warning today will be unable to verify his predictions because they will be conveniently DEAD!)

Chu told a conference in California his latest prognostication. “At no other time in the history of science have we been able to say what the future will be 100 years from now,” Chu, the soothsayer, declared according to a June 28, 2009 article in Palo Alto Online News.

The question looms: Shouldn’t Energy Sec. Chu be touting these scary predictions of the year 2100 on a boardwalk somewhere with a full deck of Tarot Cards?

Chu continued: “For the first time in human history, science has shown that we are altering the destiny of our planet…It’s quite alarming. Every year looks more alarming. … An irony of climate change is that the ones who will be hurt the most are the innocent — those yet to be born.” (Editor’s Note: Climate computer model predictions are being rebuked scientifically. Even the UN admits the models are flawed and do not account for “half the variability in the climate” and they are instead referred to as “story lines” not even “predictions.” See: IPCC lead author Trenberth, refers climate models as “story lines.” In addition, top forecasting experts say the models violate the basic principles of forecasting. See: Ivy League forecasting pioneer Dr. Scott Armstrong “Of 89 principles [of forecasting], the UN IPCC violated 72.” Also See: Forecast Pioneers: Climate modelers violated 49 principles of forecasting – June 16, 2009)

Sec. Chu is exactly the reason many scientists are now reporting that man-made global warming fear promotion has degenerated to the level of astrology.

Japanese scientist Kanya Kusano, a Program Director and Group Leader for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology, has publicly declared that man-made climate fear promotion is now akin to “ancient astrology.”

Mathematical physicist Dr. Frank J. Tipler, Professor of Mathematical Physics, astrophysics, at Tulane University, agrees with Kusano. “Whether the ice caps melt, or expand — whatever happens — the AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. A perfect example of a pseudo-science like astrology,” Tipler wrote on May 15, 2009. “It is obvious that anthropogenic global warming is not science at all, because a scientific theory makes non-obvious predictions which are then compared with observations that the average person can check for himself,” Tipler explained.

“As we know from our own observations, AGW theory has spectacularly failed to do this. The theory has predicted steadily increasing global temperatures, and this has been refuted by experience. NOW the global warmers claim that the Earth will enter a cooling period,” Tipler wrote.

It is no wonder that the environmental movement is urging its troops to no longer use the term “global warming,” as temperatures fail to cooperate. (See: NYT obtains enviro strategy memo: Stop use of term global warming! )

Instead, climate change or “global weirding” — as New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has proposed – are preferred. Michigan Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow declared on March 4, 2009: “Climate change is not just about temperatures going up. It’s also about volatility.”

With climate change or “global weirding,” any weather event can now be linked to man-made global warming. Drought, flood, storms, tornado, hurricane? Simply more evidence of “global weirding.” Heatwaves, record cold, blizzards? Even more evidenced of “global weirding.” Therefore, anything that happens is further “proof” of man-made global warming.

After all, if every weather event that happens fits your global warming hypothesis or theory, the theory cannot be invalidated by real world observations or data. Climate fear promoters are now morphing to the level of the daily horoscope in your local newspaper. Horoscopes are worded in such a vague manner that essentially anything that happens to you that day can be touted as “proof” the horoscope was correct.

President Obama has also entered the “climate astrology” movement now. President Obama made the completely scientifically indefensible claim that the Waxman-Markey climate bill would stop global temperature increases of up to 5 degrees! Obama said on June 25, “A long-term benefit is we’re leaving a planet to our children that isn’t four or five degrees hotter.” How can the President of the U.S. can be so misinformed and full of such hubris that he somehow believes he can sign a bill that acts as a thermostat for Earth’s temperature?

President Obama seems so imbued with his ability to control climate that during the 2008 presidential campaign he prognosticated his presidency would be “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” (For latest scientific data refuting sea level rise fears see here.) President Obama has also claimed he can “block the Sun’s rays to end global warming.”

President Obama’s belief that he can control the climate is not unique. See:

1) Climatologist: Modern belief that mankind controls climate ‘not that different from ancient civilizations making sacrifices to the gods of nature’

2) Salem Witch Trials during ‘Little Ice Age’: ‘Women suspected of being witches– were often accused of changing the weather’

3) Have we advanced? ‘Aztec priests encouraged people to sacrifice blood to the gods’ to end severe drought in 1450 – ‘Sacrificed thousands of people in a few weeks’

4) ‘Naked Girls plow parched fields in a bid to embarrass weather gods to bring badly needed monsoon rain’ – ‘Chant ancient hymns after sunset to invoke the gods’ in India – July 24, 2009 [Editor’s Note: The ‘naked’ farm girls attempt to control the climate is as plausible as President Obama’s G8 Pledge to limit the Earth’s Temps. In fact, Climate Depot votes for the “naked farm girls” to have a much better chance of succeeding than Obama and the G8 leaders.]

5) Kenya’s rainmakers — using trees, pots and herbs — called to combat climate change – – ‘Kenya’s Nganyi rainmakers [have] long vilified as sorcerers…the magic of their art involves the sacrifice of animals and libations in secret forest shrines…” – September 20, 2009 [Editor’s Note: Once again, as plausible as Obama’s G8 temperature pledge. In fact, Climate Depot votes for the ritual animal sacrifices and “libations” of Kenya’s rainmakers to have a much better chance of succeeding than Obama and the G8 leaders.]

UK Professor Philip Stott has mocked today’s climate fears by comparing such fears to ancient civilizations. “From the Babylon of Gilgamesh to the post-Eden of Noah, every age has viewed climate change cataclysmically, as retribution for human greed and sinfulness,” Stott, an emeritus professor of Biogeography from the University of London wrote.

Sadly, this has truly become the new age of “Climate Astrology.”

Related Links:

La Cosa Climate: Commerce Sec. Warns: Americans Need ‘To Pay’ Or Face Mother Nature’s Wrath — Pay up or face ‘floods, droughts and rising sea levels’ – July 17, 2009

UK Daily Mail: Warming fear promoters ‘like medieval preachers, proclaiming to baying crowds that the end of the world is nigh’ – July 8, 2009′Excerpt: “It is little over 200 years since Europe stopped execution of witches, and less than that since Spain finally abolished the Inquisition.”

Modern Global Warming Hysteria Just Repackaged Pagan Religion – June 18, 2009

Climate Depot Exclusive: Sec. Chu’s assertions ‘quite simply being proven wrong by the latest climate data’ – April 19, 2009

Energy Sec. Chu now admits he was ‘Silly’ to call for $8 per gallon gas in U.S.

Climatologist: Modern belief that mankind controls climate ‘not that different from ancient civilizations making sacrifices to the gods of nature’

Salem Witch Trials during ‘Little Ice Age’: ‘Women suspected of being witches– were often accused of changing the weather’

Have we advanced? ‘Aztec priests encouraged people to sacrifice blood to the gods’ to end severe drought in 1450 – ‘Sacrificed thousands of people in a few weeks’

Prayers offered to appease rain god…people of different faiths offered special prayers to propitiate rain god’ – The Hindu – June 26, 2009

Climate Astrology: ‘Mass starvation’ – Global warming ‘WILL make growing seasons shorter, generating lower crop production’

Climate Astrologists: ‘Heatwaves, droughts, floods and storms WILL sweep across continents, killing millions and evicting millions more’

The Astrology of Climate Change

Congressional Weather-Makers: ‘Climate Astrologer’ Boxer warns of ‘droughts, floods, fires, loss of species’ — if Senate fails to pass climate bill – July 11, 2009

Prayers offered to appease rain god…people of different faiths offered special prayers to propitiate rain god – The Hindu – June 26, 2009

Climate Depot’s Morano: G8 Leaders embrace ‘climate astrology’ – Trying to control Earth’s thermostat is ‘madness of our age’ – July 10, 2009 – Morano Excerpt : ‘Who needs to be educated here? Ugandans who blame bad weather on angry gods — or is it Western leaders who actually think they can control the climate?’

Which is more plausible? Ugandans blame drought and disease on the ‘angry gods’ — While More ‘Educated’ Western Leaders blame ‘cell phone chargers?!’ – July 8, 2009

UK Scientist Philip Stott mocks G8’s pledge to reduce temps: ‘Hubris…as if climate were neatly controlled by a single dimmer light switch that can be twiddled up and down at the whim of pompous politicians’ – July 12, 2009 – Excerpt: ‘Supreme Being of Global Warming’ must be worshipped at all costs…the emperor has no clothes’

‘Channeling King Canute’: G-8 to ‘Prevent temps from rising…what if the Earth has other plans?’ – July 9, 2009 – Investor’s Business Daily

Obama’s ‘Climate Astrologer’: Energy Sec. Chu claims he knows ‘what the future will be 100 years from now’ – June 28, 2009 – Morano Excerpt: ‘Shouldn’t Chu be touting these scary predictions of the year 2100 on a boardwalk with a full deck of Tarot Cards?’

Princeton Physicist: ‘The idea that Congress can stop climate change is just hilarious’ – Warns of ‘climate change cult’ – July 8, 2009

Controlling Nature? Obama backs ‘historic breakthrough’ in G8 climate talks – ‘Agree to goal of keeping the world’s temps from rising more than 2C’ – July 9, 2009

President Obama has also claimed he can ‘block the Sun’s rays to end global warming’

Obama claims U.S. climate bill will leave Earth 4 to 5 degrees cooler! – June 15, 2009 – Excerpt: “A long-term benefit is we’re leaving a planet to our children that isn’t four or five degrees hotter.”

2008: Obama prognosticates his presidency will be ‘the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal’

Democrat Congressman G.K. Butterfield reported claim that the bill ‘will literally save the planet’ – June 26, 2009

Analysis: Climate Bill is ‘Scientifically Meaningless’ – Temp Reduction By 2050 of Only 9/100 of one Degree F – May 6, 2009

Aussie Geologist: Climate fear is ‘new religion for urban populations which have lost their faith in Christianity’ – ‘IPCC report is their Bible. Al Gore and Lord Stern are their prophets’ – July 8, 2009

Report: Truly man-made global warming is the new religion at the BBC’ – July 9, 2009

MIT Climate Scientist: ‘Ordinary people see through man-made climate fears — but educated people are very vulnerable’ – July 6, 2009

Teen so passionate about global warming she opts for ‘eco-baptism’ – July 11, 2009

Paper: ‘Every car trip is an incremental crime against nature’ – July 11, 2009

Methodist Church calls upon Christians ‘to repent their sins that have contributed to climate change’- July 9, 2009

Former Clinton Admin. Official Joe Romm links bridge collapse in Minnesota to man-made global warming – August 7, 2007 (See follow up: Design failure (not CO2) evidently behind Minneapolis bridge collapse)

