Coverage Grows! CBS News: EPA May Have Suppressed Report Skeptical Of Global Warming
Limbaugh: ‘It’s not about saving the planet. It’s not about anything, folks, other than raising taxes and redistributing wealth’
Pay offs: ‘Florida Democrat won $50 million pledge of support for proposed hurricane research facility in his district’
Pelosi admits Capitol saw voters ‘jamming the lines’ to protest climate bill!
Nationwide Protest Called For against Obama’s Cap and Trade
Huff Post: ‘Great ironies of our age is that skepticism of global warming is treated with greater respect than, say, Holocaust denial’
Rep. Paul Broun Calls Global Warming a ‘Hoax’ – GOP applauds
Rep. Devin Nunes called bill a ‘scam’ — would do nothing but satisfy ‘the twisted desires of radical environmentalists’
Video: Rep. Bachmann On Bill: ‘We Choose Liberty, Or We Choose Tyranny’