Eastern Arctic currently experiencing coldest spring in more than 50 years
Washington State: Snow fell and temps dropped 10 degrees below normal as summer arrived — ‘I know it doesn’t feel like it, but summer is here’
Prepare Now! ‘Earth’s sea levels may rise 25 meters by 4000 AD!’
‘Global temps have flat lined since 2001…This is nothing like anything we’ve seen since 1950…Cooling trend could last for up to 30 years’
House Dems ‘have grave concerns about where Obama administration is going on climate change’
‘Green movement’s greatest triumph – the abolition of ozone-destroying CFC gases in 1980s – may become its biggest embarrassment’
‘Beware the greenies who think people are parasites…a pox on the Earth… an alien presence, an infestation’
Climate Tea Party: Crowd of 250 rallies against cap-and-trade
‘Climate Depot is one of the very best compilations of the exploding climate science literature which is now discrediting and destroying the global warming fraud’
Climatologist: Obama’s ‘Gross Misuse of Science to Achieve a Political End…Making a Mockery of Science’