Massey Energy President Blankenship challenges NASA’s Hansen to global warming debate
‘U.S. Government’s Climate Con-job…Most flagrant propaganda campaign in U.S. history’
UK Professor John Brignell: ‘It’s only a bloody computer model, dammit!’
Back to drawing board: Talks between Democrats on global warming bill ‘blew up last night’
UN IPCC Scientist Rejects Romm’s Claims as ‘nonsense on all counts…NASA’s predictions of next solar cycle have all been wrong’
UN IPCC Scientist Richard Courtney told Climate Depot that Joe Romm’s article was ‘nonsense.’ Courtney, a UK based atmospheric science consultant, is featured on page 224 of the U.S. Senate Report of More Than 700 Dissenting Scientists Over Man-Made Global Warming. (See Climate Progress article: Joe Romm Counters: ‘No ‘Maunder Minimum’ — sorry, deniers — […]
Report: Yet another failed model: Gore’s climate volunteers are falling way short
Joe Romm Counters: ‘NASA says no ‘Maunder Minimum’ — sorry, deniers — Solar Cycle 24 poised to rev up’
Did the chief executives of a few Western states hijack the staff to promote regional cap-and-trade agreement?
‘Prolonged cold snowy conditions in Hudson Bay area expected to obliterate breeding season for migratory birds and most other species of wildlife this year’
Pravda: Global Warming Will Improve Global Agriculture