Which is it? Camels cause warming or cure it? Or die from warming or die from cold?

Camels and global warming: A clear lack of consensus

1: Global warming allegedly kills camels: “SCIENTISTS FEAR GLOBAL WARMING responsible for unprecedented camel deaths”

The several thousand deaths have baffled scientists who are probing toxins, antibiotic pollution, viruses and even climate change as possible causes.

2.  Camels cause global warming

As ruminants and desertifiers, camels added to global warming and spread disease.

3.  Lack of global warming kills camels

MOSCOW, (Reuters) – Two camels perished in freezing temperatures on Russia’s border with Ukraine after waiting five days for permission to cross the border, local news agencies reported on Friday.

4.  Because of alleged global warming, farmers should raise MORE camels

By 2050, hotter conditions and less rainfall in an area covering 500,000 sq km to one million sq km of marginal farmland – about the size of Egypt – would make it harder for people grow crops, said Philip Thornton, a scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), based in Nairobi, capital of Kenya, co-author of the report.

The two authors suggest that rethinking and planning now for agricultural systems that will be necessary in a few decades, like boosting production of the hardier types of livestock – goats, donkeys, camels and some types of cattle – could provide an alternate source of income.

