Climatologist Rejects Global Warming as Cause of Plane Crash
Statement by Climatologist Dr. Patrick J. Michaels of the Cato Institute. Dr. Michaels comments about the claim from a Russian scientist that man-made global warming may have caused the crash of Air France plane: ( See: ‘Did global warming help bring down Air France flight 447?’ — ‘Russian climatologist believes global warming played a significant […]
Newsbusters: ‘Makes you want to cancel your summer vacation, doesn’t it?’
‘Once again, a widely publicized tragedy is being blamed on global warming’
Joe Romm: ‘What is that wacky Swift boat smearer Marc Morano up to?’
Grist: ‘Warming did NOT cause this plane crash…claim is made-to-order fodder for deniers’
Joe Romm: ‘You really can’t tell whether the whole damn website – Climate Depot – is just some sort of elaborate performance art’
‘Did global warming help bring down Air France flight 447?’ — ‘Climatologist believes global warming played a significant part!’
GEORGE WILL: ‘The green bubble has burst’
Video: Moonwalker/Geologist Harrison Schmitt on why he is skeptical about global warming
LA Times: ‘There’s little chance the U.S. will sign UN global greenhouse gas treaty’