‘Fast-growing number of scientists now question the root idea of a global warming crisis’
‘Unseasonable cold’ causes French carrots to make later start
Mathematical physicist: Warming theory has ‘spectacularly failed…a perfect example of a pseudo-science like astrology’
Italian physicist: ‘Sun could account for as much as 69% of the increase in Earth’s average temp’
Rep. Barton: ‘We know the cost is significant…environmental benefit is basically nonexistent’
Analysis: Public Support for Cap-and-Trade Bill Collapses
Joe Romm Woes: ‘He simply confuses the rate of growth in income, with income itself’
Paper: Climate bill a ‘major tax increase or a massive expansion of the fed government’
Book: Don’t worry: ‘Panicology’ is the antidote for a panic-stricken world
Update: UN IPCC Scientist Santer in kids video and the ‘Power of Poop, Poop, Poop’