Oxfam predicts hundreds of millions more victims of climate
Lord Stern warns of warming: ‘Alligators could survive at the North Pole’
Claim: ‘Growing concern climate change is linked to an increase in violence in the world’
Climatologist: Obama flunks Global Warming 101 on Fargo flooding
Meteorologist suggests global cooling may be ahead
Going Green for Earth Day? Book touts ‘stories of dumpster diving, eating road kill’
Key Obama Climate Change Exchange Being Swayed by Top U.N. Officials
Climatologist: ‘Large natural variations of climate that have occurred…dwarf anything we have experienced in the instrumental record’
Polling Data: ‘Loss in belief in man-made global warming happening even faster than’ models predicted!
New film: ‘Not Evil, Just Wrong’ takes on warming ‘hysteria’ & ‘economic consequences’ of Gore