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Our Leaders Have Spoken: Global Warming Causes Terrorism


Global warming, we’re told, is also going to cause more deaths by natural disasters. It hasn’t done so yet, but it will. Actually, deaths due to natural disasters such as wildfires, tornadoes, extreme temperatures, droughts and storms are at a ridiculously low level compared to a century ago. Just as a for instance, storms killed about about 1 out of every million people in 1900, but this fell to about half that many by 2010. (Don’t forget the world population rose from about 1.65 billion in 1900 to about 6.7 billion in 2010, so you have to normalize deaths by population.)

There were no recorded deaths by drought in 2010, but there were some 126-thousand deaths in 1900, way before global warming wrapped its heated tentacles around the earth. Deaths by drought are important because, our leaders tell us, it was drought and heat that caused the Syrian conflict, which in turn caused the refugee crisis. Of course, it wasn’t actual drought and heat, because Syrian weather has been near average (wheat production, for instance, is up), so once again it was only the promise of future doom that counted.
