Court blocks Pennsylvania’s regional CO2 emissions plan – ‘Unlawful tax’ A state court temporarily blocked Pennsylvania from participating in a regional carbon pricing program to combat climate change, ruling Friday in favor of coal-related interests that argue the administration of Gov. Tom Wolf is seeking to impose an unlawful tax. Commonwealth Court granted a preliminary injunction that prohibits the Wolf administration from “implementing, […]
Watch Morano’s full 13-minute oral testimony at Pennsylvania climate hearing – Call for revoking Gore & IPCC Nobel Prize & Instead Giving it to PA fracking Watch Morano’s full 13-minute oral testimony: Watch Morano’s comments at the Press conference with PA legislatures CFACT’s Morano slams RGGI at Pennsylvania hearing CFACT’s Marc Morano was invited to testify to the Pennsylvania Environmental Resources & Energy Committee regarding RGGI (the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative). Morano passionately argued against joining the multi-state cap and […]’s Steve Milloy testifies at PA Dept of Env. Protection climate hearing: ‘RGGI will accomplish nothing for the environment, climate or public health. Instead, energy prices will increase, making Pennsylvania & Pennsylvanians poorer’
I just testified at the Pennsylvania DEP hearing on the state's proposed entry into the Northeast state cap-and-tax scheme called #RGGI. Pennsylvania, Gov. Wolf is at the door. Check out my testimony: — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 8, 2020 Thank you, @JunkScience! Yours was one of (sadly) only a handful of insightful comments […]