White House deletes factual tweet by climate skeptic — New York Times journalist Andrew Revkin calls action ‘disturbing’ — questions claims of an ‘open society’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin on EPA’s ‘Richard Windsor’ scandal: ‘So much for transparency…Pretty clearly an attempt at an end run around FOIA. More signs of Obama admin’s say-one-thing-do-another approach to openness’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin suggests that Marc Morano’s ‘prime interest appears to to be sustaining the fossil fuel era as long as possible’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin: ‘Any influence of climate change on dangerous tornadoes (so far the data point to a moderating influence) is, at best, marginally relevant and, at worst, a distraction’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin angers warmists with inconvenient tornado questions: ‘Note to those saying ‘It’s irresponsible not to mention climate change’ in ’11; same for ongoing tornado drought now?’
Related Link: U.S. sees all time record low tornadoes! NOAA tornado expert Harold Brooks: ‘The 12-month period from May 2012-April 2013 there were just 197 tornadoes rated EF1 or stronger…a record low for U.S. tornadoes in a 12-month period’
NYT’s Andrew Revkin reports that the PAGES 2K study found that the Arctic was ‘warmer during 1941–1970 than 1971–2000’
Climate Depot Round Up of Marcott’s Collapsed New Hockey Stick Study — Prof. Pielke Jr. Mocks As The ‘Hockey Stick that never was’
New Climate Scandal Exposed: Will AP & NYT Retract Articles?! ‘Gross misrepresentation of the findings’ of New Hockey Stick Paper – Claimed Hottest temps in 4000 years! Now accused of ‘skirting awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct’ Retraction Watch for Marcott’s New Hockey Stick study: ‘Given the evidence, will the science community […]