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People’s climate march wants to change the system, not the weather

People’s climate march wants to change the system, not the weather Marita Noon shatters any illusion that the New York Climate March was about anything other than destroying the capitalist system and replacing it with a totalitarian, top-down socialist state. As one commenter said, “These people are defined by what they hate, and a […]

Alert: ‘Bill McKibben’s Funders Haven’t Divested From Fossil Fuels’ – Climate march organizer quietly ‘acknowledges [their funders] have millions of dollars invested in fossil fuels’

The foundation responsible for providing the financial support to launch and sustain Bill McKibbens group, known best for leading the anti-Keystone XL pipeline effort as well as the more recent anti-fossil fuel divestment campaign, acknowledged this week that they have millions of dollars invested in fossil fuels, including oil sands. Thanks to a well-packaged and timely rollout, […]

Watch Now: Morano in Fox News debate with warmist on Climate March: Morano: ‘You guys say we face the greatest threat and then you propose symbolism to solve it’

Related Link:  Morano on Fox News 3 Times in One Day: Watch Now: Obama & UN ‘are selling symbolism for what they are calling the greatest problem human kind has ever faced’ Watch here. Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on Stuart Varney’s ‘Varney & Company’ on Fox Business Channel on September 22, 2014 Below is a picture […]