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‘Listen to science’: Activist Bill McKibben echoes calls for Biden to declare a ‘Climate Emergency’

Important message from @ClimateHuman calling for Biden to declare a climate emergency. Listen to science — Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) July 27, 2023 Declaring a climate emergency will give the government absolute power over every aspect of your life and have absolutely ZERO effect on the climate. Did we learn nothing from COVID? — Dr. […]

Climate activist Bill McKibben’s group ‘Outted As White Supremacists’ – Permeated by ‘white supremacy dominance culture’ By Francis Menton Today’s radical left progressive movement has two main branches. The two share the common element of fundamentally arising from the deep need of wealthy people to expiate their guilt over their sins of economic success and comfortable lifestyle. But in other ways the two branches are totally contradictory. The two branches […]

Bill McKibben’s climate activist ‘has been laid low by a budget crunch, equity fights and union strife’ – ‘Mass layoffs, departures, exhaustion, distrust’ The group that brought down Keystone XL faces agonies of its own It was the upstart that changed the face of America’s environmental movement. But, founded by the legendary Bill McKibben, has been laid low by a budget crunch, equity fights and union strife. By ZACK COLMAN The group that revived a […]

Rolling Stone: ‘Joe Manchin Just Cooked the Planet’ by not supporting Biden’s massive federal spending bill — ‘Condemned virtually every living creature on Earth to a hellish future of suffering, hardship, & death’ By JEFF GOODELL West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin just cooked the planet. I don’t mean that in a metaphorical sense. I mean that literally. Unless Manchin changes his negotiating position dramatically in the near future, he will be remembered as the man who, when the moment of decision came, chose to condemn virtually every living creature […]

New Yorker Contributor Bill McKibben Claimed Keystone XL Is ‘Climate Carelessness’ By Joseph Vazquez The leader of a radical eco-extremist group celebrated President Joe Biden canceling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, even as the move killed thousands of jobs. Co-founder of and New Yorker contributor Bill McKibben bellowed in a recent op-ed that “In his first hours in office, Joe Biden has settled—almost certainly, once and for all—one of the greatest […]

Eco-leftists are suddenly turning on Michael Moore: New film ‘reveals that each & every form of green energy is a fraud’ By Steven W. Mosher I pay as little attention to Michael Moore as humanly possible. But when his latest documentary opened on Earth Day to attacks from fellow leftists, including calls for censorship, it got my attention. After all, one of my favorite scenes in “Lord of the Rings” is watching the orcs fight […]

Michael Moore Film May Splinter Green Movement, Calls Green Energies ‘A Delusion’, Billionaire Bonanza – Gore, McKibben & Sierra Club ‘come across as swindling villains’ By P Gosselin In short, everything we’ve been told about green energies is a lie. And a select few swindlers out there are making a financial killing while the environment gets devoured by “green” technologies. The newly released Planet of the Humans film is an as damning documentary as you’ll ever see – produced by leftist […]

Warmist Bill McKibben: ‘At What Point Should You Start Really Freaking Out About Climate Change? Right Now’ Bill McKibben, author of the new book Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?, wants you to panic about climate change. He compares how people often talk about the health of the planet — as a vague, far-off risk — with what inspires people to actually take action in their own lives. […]

NBC News: ‘Dire climate reports’ intensifying mental health effects of ‘global warming’ – ‘Climate grief’ – Kids in tears after UN IPCC report By Avichai Scher When the U.N. released its latest climate report in October, it warned that without “unprecedented” action, catastrophic conditions could arrive by 2040. For Amy Jordan, 40, of Salt Lake City, a mother of three teenage children, the report caused a “crisis.” “The emotional reaction of my kids was severe,” she told […]