How Unusual are 4 Major Atlantic Hurricanes? ‘Not unusual at all’

By Paul Homewood With Hurricane Maria tearing heading towards Puerto Rico, there will be yet more alarmist claims about how climate change is making hurricanes worse. Maria is the fourth major hurricane in the Atlantic this year, following Harvey, Irma and Jose. But how unusual is this? Fortunately we don’t have to rely on Al […]

Hurricane scientist Dr. Ryan Maue rips climate ‘hype’ on Irma & Harvey

My own research, cited in a recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, found that during the past half-century tropical storms and hurricanes have not shown an upward trend in frequency or accumulated energy. Instead they remain naturally variable from year-to-year. The global prevalence of the most intense storms (Category 4 and 5) has not […]

Round up of hurricane – climate change claims and rebuttals

What you need to know & are not told about hurricanes Editor of the Fabius Maximus website Science & Nature 14 September 2017 Summary: Millions of words were expended reporting about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, but too little about the science connecting them to climate change. Here are the details, contrasted with the propaganda barrage of those seeking […]

Pope Francis slams ‘stupid’ climate deniers

Pope Francis has sharply criticised climate change deniers as “stupid” in the wake of a spate of powerful hurricanes that have wreaked havoc in the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean. “Those who deny it [climate change] should go to the scientists and ask them,” the pontiff said on Monday during an in-flight press conference on the return leg of a five-day […]

Scientist to Pope: ‘Efforts to ‘battle’ or ‘stop’ climate change are futile’

By WILLIAM M BRIGGS Published on September 12, 2017 • 9 Comments William M Briggs A reporter asked Pope Francis about the recent hurricanes in the Atlantic, adding the questions, “Is there a moral responsibility for political leaders who reject collaborating with the other nations to control the emission of greenhouse gas? Why do they deny that climate change is also […]

Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert pro-science comment: ‘We continue to take seriously the climate change — not the cause of it, but the things that we observe’ Q    Mr. Bossert, the previous administration saw a connection between climate change and homeland security in that the frequency and intensity of powerful storms, like Harvey and Irma, could pose a problem for future administrations.  You could have a FEMA budget that can’t keep up with the demand when you have powerful storms […]